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Gardening Back Pain | Osteopathy | Canterbury

Are you Struggling to Stand up Straight After Gardening?

Written by Dr Elise Fuller

Gardening Back Pain | Osteopathy | Canterbury

Why put up with a gardening backpain when you don’t have to!

In this article:
  • You will find out WHY your back hurts after gardening
  • Understand WHY the strategies most people use to relieve the pain, don't work!
  • Watch our free video to assist your back
  • Find out other ways to to help your back recover!

This is not a long read and is definitely worth your while if you LOVE gardening!

Why can we not stand up straight after gardening?

Has this affected you to the point where you have simply accepted gardening back pain?  It’s a shame because you can do better.

Gardening is one of the most labour intensive regular activities in the day-to-day.  It is very physical and so requires significant strength and mobility.

So what’s the go with not being able to stand straight up after a gardening workout?

The answer to your gardening back pain may be very simple…

Almost all gardening activities require you to bend forwards from your low back.  Anytime you are reaching in front of you, you will bend forwards.  Digging and weeding are obvious tasks, but also think about pruning and lawn mowing; even working at waist height, you will naturally bend a little from the low back. 

Sustaining a forward bending posture places your back in a tough position.  Your muscles and joints work overtime to maintain this posture, and prevents you from folding in half front ways.
During your gardening and definitely after, you may adopt a posture of placing your hands on your back, trying to straighten up.  Intuitively you know you need to be straighter, It’s just that this is ineffective at achieving this.  Ironically, it’s actually the opposite of what you need to do…no kidding!
After gardening we are usually feeling a bit cactus (pardon the pun).  We go inside, have a hot shower to freshen up and then have a sit down.  Sound familiar?

THIS is where you can do better with gardening!

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What if there was an easy exercise to get your low back to loosen up?  This will only take you 3 minutes to do and has the potential to overcome your back pain (not just for gardening too).  You have nothing to lose.
I am going to provide this to you for free.  I believe that this information is important for the your back health.

This FREE exercise will:
  • Help you wake up feeling looser
  • Take some pressure off your muscles and joints
  • Give you more bending flexibility
  • Look Simple but be bang-for-buck!

Would it be helpful to know how to help yourself?

Watch this FREE exercise right now and start helping your own gardening back pain TODAY!!

 It is such an easy thing to do and I want you to feel you are not going to suffer every time you step into the garden.  Don’t accept that gardening has to give you back issues.
Gardening is really good for you & I want you to keep doing it!
This forward bending exercise also helps  keep your back in good-knick for the long term regardless of gardening.

How does forward bending relax your back pain after gardening?

When gardening we tend to stay in the one position too long.  This can tire our muscles and stiffen our joints.  By mobilising your low back to bend forwards, you go some way to counteract the posture you’ve just been in.   This enables mobility in the other directions!

So instead of giving you an entire sheet of exercises, (which realistically hardly anyone will do), I am just giving you the specific forward bending one…so it’s QUICK & EASY

Even if you are skeptical, it doesn’t cost you anything. AND WHAT IF IT ACTUALLY HELPED?
If you can fluently bend forwards in the low back, you will potentially be able to bend backwards and sideways easier too!
You have nothing to lose and only pain relief and mobility to gain.
So watch my easy low back care exercise and feel great.

Try out this exercise. It will only take 3 minutes of your time!

What else can you do to help your gardening back pain?

  • Put heat on it, wheat bag, hot water bottle, heats patch (stick-on), hot shower
  • Wear good supportive shoes while gardening.  Sometimes we just slip on any old shoes that lack support and have no laces/straps.  This is a recipe for falls, tripping and poor walking mechanics
  • Try to use your legs when lifting so not to strain your back (an oldie but a goody!)
If you want further advice or an opinion on your back pain, feel free to contact me at Boroondara Osteopathy 9859 5059

Our clinic has seen many people in this position.  They love their garden and want to be involved in its care…
their body is not co-operating.  Don’t keep going like this when it is highly probable you don’t have to.