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Open Mon-Sat · (03) 9859 5059 · BOOK online OR call Reception
osteopathy for mastitis | osteopaths treating mastitis

How might an osteopath help mastitis?

Osteopathy for mastitis is unfortunately not well-known as a treatment option, with very few practitioners knowing what to do.  It’s such a shame when Mastitis is a common problem that up to 30% of breastfeeding mothers face, yes, that’s just under 1 in 3!

Unfortunately, there is not a lot of info given to mums about breastfeeding, let alone what to do when you are faced with a red, hot, angry breast. Wouldn’t it be great to have a plan and some experienced professionals to refer to when your breastfeeding isn’t going to plan? Well, that’s where we come in! This is a key interest area for our Osteopaths.

So what is mastitis?

Mastitis is an inflammation and/or infection of the breast tissues that creates a backlog of fluid in and around the milk ducts in your breast. The fluid can’t drain out of the breast effectively so builds up in the breast and causes the redness, swelling, lumps and pain that you can feel. (see more info about it HERE)

Osteopathy for mastitis!

Our treatment for mastitis is all about helping your body to drain out that backlog of fluid.
We use mastitis ultrasound treatment to vibrate the breast tissue on a micro level. This is a useful tool that helps the body start the process of draining that pesky inflamed fluid out of the breast. Mastitis massage therapy from our highly skilled hands is an essential part of mastitis treatment, as it helps to move the fluids and lumps away from the problematic area. Lots of women expect this to be a really painful process – its not! The key to this massage is the gentle pressure in the right direction. We will give you strategies to take home with you, so you can help yourself! We will equip you with a solid plan to move forwards so you can continue on your breastfeeding journey confidently.

Our Melbourne Mastitis Clinic practitioners have years of experience treating women for breastfeeding difficulties.

We know what its like to feel lost when your breastfeeding isn’t going to plan, which is why we also developed an online course called Boobology for women needing help with their breast health through our sister-company Your Two Jugs, that is focused on how to treat your own mastitis and prevent it.

But for those of you in Melbourne, just book into our clinic by calling 9859 5059 or using our online bookings.

However, if you are elsewhere in the world we have our online strategies in video Masterclasses on the website of our sister company Your Two Jugs. Click the logo to go straight to the Your Two Jugs website to check it out.

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